Sign The Petition

To BAN Doorbell Sounds In Commercials!

NOTE: Make sure to use your best email so we can update you on the results of the petition!

Your Dogs Will
Thank You.

Doorbell sounds in TV commercials are traumatizing for our dogs, and the loud barking that results is disruptive to you too.Help us submit 10,000 signatures to the FTC to officially BAN doorbell sounds in commercials and finally put an end to these traumatizing sounds for our dogs.Your signature will go a long way in our efforts, and will get you one step closer to peace and tranquility at home for both you and your dogs.

By submitting this form, you agree to receive occasional campaign update emails that will inform you of the petition status. These emails may also contain affiliate product links that generate commissions for the petition organizer.

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Thank you!

Please try to share the petition with at least 2 other dog owners you know. We need all the support we can get!

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